"Halt!" says a metallic, sterile voice behind you as you leave the atrium. You look around to see a tripedal golem just entering the hall from the other corridor. It's about two meters tall, is heavily armored and is pointing what appears to be a weapon at you. It challenges you: "Are you my Master?"
You cannot possibly hope to escape now that he noticed you.
Understanding: Additional Information |
Your answer will matter little. This is obviously just a question of courtesy. The golem will probably proceed by asking you a question only an Ancient could answer.
"Of course I am your master! Now tell me where the gate is!" |
"Yes. Don't you recognize me, golem?" |
"No. Who is your Master?" |
Strict Mode (In Strict Mode, the game will not show you options that require a skill you do not have. In non-strict mode, these options will be greyed out but you can still cheat and access them. You can switch modes at any time.)