Custodian training is very difficult, but it pays off. In the years you served in the order, you have learned three of the following skills. These will be of great use in the Ancient Pyramid - they can either provide you with additional info or allow you to take action you otherwise couldn't.

Custodian Ability: Analysis
Your intellect is vast and your intuition is without peer. If there is a clue around, you will find it. If there's a math problem, you will know the solution. You can plan ahead and make leaps of logic other ponies only dream of. A mathematics researcher is a good example of a pony with high Analysis.

Custodian Ability: Knowledge
You have spent decades studying ancient and forgotten lore. You know all myths that were ever invented, the history of all eras and all regions. You even know a bit about the Ancients. In addition, you know bits of trivia from all domains. A historian who watches quiz shows is a good example of a pony with high Knowledge.

Custodian Ability: Understanding
You are kind and empathic. When you look upon a pony, you immediately see if they are troubled and what is the nature of their problems. You have a way with children and you know how to cheer ponies up. Also, you can see motivations behind ponies' actions and you can communicate with animals on a higher level.

Custodian Ability: Perception
You can see tiny objects from great lengths and notice tiny discrepancies in large wholes. You spot traps and secret doors more easily. Few ponies could hide an object so well that it would elude you. All of your senses including hearing and smell are greatly magnified.

Custodian Ability: Endurance
Your body can withstand extremes of temperature and is resistant to poison. In all common situations, you are unharmed by cold, heat or electricity and cannot be poisoned. But you are not insensitive - in fact, you can locate heat sources and heat sinks from meters away, they just don't harm you. You can also walk through fire and your wounds regenerate more rapidly.

Custodian Ability: Athletics
For years you have trained to be the strongest and the most adroit Custodian there ever was. You can jump tremendous distances and run faster than anypony. You can climb any slope and land from heights without getting injured. You react fast and can sometimes avoid traps.

Confirm selection and begin the adventure!
(You will not be allowed to proceed unless you choose exactly 3 abilities.)

Strict Mode (In Strict Mode, the game will not show you options that require a skill you do not have. In non-strict mode, these options will be greyed out but you can still cheat and access them. You can switch modes at any time.)