"Change IS needed!"

A low rumble fills the room and the lights around the gate intensify.

"And here we go. The Primaeval is about to return and all sentients will heed my message. Finally evolution can begin."

She set her hand on the confirmation key. And the world went black.

You awoke in a pile of rubble that was once the Ancient Pyramid. The world around you is still lush and green, the buildings still stand in the nearby Sweet Water as though nothing changed and you can see Sooth Silver and Phi sitting nearby. But when you look upon the sky, you see it tinted red and swirling with fractal shapes.

The Primaeval has returned and we will soon see whether the Primaeval Threat will change mankind or cause it to die.

ENDING 1/3 (Primaeval Return)
Congratulations on completing the game.

Strict Mode (In Strict Mode, the game will not show you options that require a skill you do not have. In non-strict mode, these options will be greyed out but you can still cheat and access them. You can switch modes at any time.)