"But that is the genius of my plan! I've only figured it out recently.

"Mankind is unwilling to change in any way. They are content in their ways.

"But if I release the Primaeval, Lonaelon will only have a few short decades to do something. The Primaeval will take some time to regain her strength but not an eternity. They will need to find a way to protect themselves from it and that will force them to evolve. Force them to adopt change. There will be no choice but to evolve or be destroyed."

"Don't do this -- you are slaughtering all mankind."
"Don't do this -- I promise I will go with you to spread your message."
"Don't do this -- you are an explorer, but most are not. Change is unnecessary."

Strict Mode (In Strict Mode, the game will not show you options that require a skill you do not have. In non-strict mode, these options will be greyed out but you can still cheat and access them. You can switch modes at any time.)