Advanced Minesweeper

Advanced Minesweeper is a simple game I hacked up in one day to test how many people would actually download and play a game I put up only on major servers that allow for free download of software. The answer was: not many, but still some.

Advanced Minesweeper contains the functionality and gameplay of traditional minesweeper but also allows the player to play advanced minesweeper, which is like the regular one, except the player has access to three special abilites that recharge over time:

  • Radar, which reveals the entire map for a time by scanning from left to right
  • Sensor, which reveals a 3×3 square for a time
  • EMP, which flags a tile if it was a mine or reveals it if it was not

The game was created in pure C# at the age of 18, in 2011.

Download (Direct EXE, 0.01 MB):


  • 7 levels in a story-driven campaign (that’s a first for a minesweeper game, right?)
  • 3 special abilities
  • Ability to play traditional minesweeper


Your president’s boss: „For some mysterious reason, if you clear all levels, you will save the world. Go save the world!“

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