Time Travel Research Facility

Time Travel Research Facility was the first game I programmed in Flash. It’s a platformer with the twist that the player can rewind or slow down time in order to pass puzzles and battle enemies.

The story involves escaping from a secret government facility and the obstacles to overcome are extradimensional monsters and automated defense systems.

The game was programmed in Flash/ActionScript 3. I also made a reboot of this game called Time Travel Research Facility 2 – I recommend you play that once instead.

I created the game at the age of 19, in 2012.

Play online:


  • 3 levels
  • story bubbles
  • rewind time or slow it down


Scientists played with dimension walking down on Level 4 in the Time Travel Research Facility. But the containment was broken and extradimensional creatures now roam the base. You must escape before the thermal sterilization occurs.

The reboot has a better story.

Play on my website:
To stop the music and the game, refresh this page by pressing F5 or Ctrl+R.
Get Adobe Flash player


Streamstep (or Potokrok in Czech) is my second 3D game. The player receives quests from townsfolk in the village of Streamstep and battle monster outside and in a single dungeon – the abandoned temple. The player may also buy potions and level up skills.

I improved upon my graphical engine in many ways, which allowed me to have large levels with a heightmap. It was still pretty primitive even by standards of the time. The game was programmed in C# using the XNA 4.0 framework.

I created the game at the age of 19, in 2012.

Download (Setup EXE, 17 MB):


  • Level up your character
  • Voiced dialogues in English
  • Several quests that allow you to gain gold and experience
  • Riddle chests that open only if you answer the questions correctly


The fire monster has long been eating fishes from the river Streamstep is built over. Will you help the fisherman to defeat it, or will you instead plunder the Abandoned temple for a sacred chalice?

Gameplay trailer:

Selected feedback from the in-game form:

  • Great idea!!!!! This game is really fun and charming. I would love to play the full version. Love the game. Great work.
  • This game is great, i would like to see some melee weapons in here though,but one of the best freeware games i have played in a long time.
  • Silver chalice stays pn inventory evan after returning it to city hall and getting reward
  • nemoem si tu stavt budovy!!!!!! (“I can’t build buildings here!” in Czech)
  • As a small games developer myself I can say with a bit of work this title could be a really cool first person r.p.g. title.
  • ammo ammo ammo ammo
  • Will you ever make Streamstep into a full-length game?  I must admit I\’m addicted!

No, I will not make Streamstep into a full game.

Ideální skautík

This page is available in Czech only.

Ideální skautík je moje první 3D hra. Je to hra o pouhých dvou úrovních, kde se hráč pohybuje a střílí na zelené příšerky. Hra je plně ozvučená českými hlasy lidmi z mého skautského oddílu. Nejzajímavější tyto texty budou právě pro členy oddílu, kteří je nejlépe pochopí.

Grafický engine pro zobrazování 3D grafiky jsem si napsal pro tuto hru sám. Použil jsem k tomu API frameworku XNA, ale to usnadňuje práci jen trochu.

Hru jsem naprogramoval v C# pomocí XNA 4.0.

Hru jsem vytvořil v roce 2011 ve věku 19 let.

Stažení (ZIP, 34 MB):


  • 2 celé úrovně
  • Plný český dabing
  • Sbírání nábojů, střílení a dialogy
  • Online-scoreboard, který již nefunguje, protože jeho hosting byl zrušen.
  • Reference na 7. oddíl Karibu


Vláďa ztratil klíče od venkovní branky na tábořišti v Liškách a teď jsme všichni uzavřeni uvnitř. Nikdo totiž nedokáže přeskočit tu půlmetrovou zídku! A co víc, z nějakého důvodu tábořiště napadly zelené příšerky.

Jsi Vašek, velký skaut, a musíš osvobodit skauty! A snaž se přitom sebrat co nejvíce zlatých mincí!

Listina nejvyšších skóre ze dne 2. ledna 2015:

Podle počtu sebraných mincí:

  1. Ronaldo (82 mincí, 652 vteřin)
  2. Rak (77 mincí, 678 vteřin)
  3. Muchar (77 mincí, 678 vteřin)
  4. RONALDO (77 mincí, 403 vteřin)
  5. Bumca (72 mincí, 395 vteřin)
  6. Deja vu (72 mincí, 719 vteřin)
  7. honzik (71 mincí, 460 vteřin)

Podle celkového času:

  1. ondra (47 vteřin, 8 mincí)
  2. Wenchie (81 vteřin, 2 mince)
  3. Profesor (115 vteřin, 41 mincí)
  4. ddasdw (150 vteřin, 50 mincí)
  5. honzik (167 vteřin, 50 mincí)
  6. Tomur (186 vteřin, 46 mincí)
  7. Pipin (189 vteřin, 50 mincí)



Sacculus: The Wargame

Sacculus: The Wargame was my third complete game. It’s a 2D turn-based strategy. In each level, the player moves warriors across a square-tiled map, explores territory and fights enemies. I believe this is my largest and most complex game to date.

There was a large amount of units and actions the player could perform and the game was affected by various terrain tiles.

The game’s story is based on the plot of the first book I wrote (Sacculus).

It the first game I programmed in C#. I used the XNA 3.1 framework.

The game was created at the age of 17, in 2010.

Download (Setup EXE, 71 MB):

Gameplay trailer:


  • 9 levels in a story-driven campaign
  • Over 15 unique units
  • English voiceover intro for every level
  • Three short movies
  • Behind-the-scenes bonuses


The spheres atop the mountain of Sacculus have been stolen. An evil known as The Wizard Dead plans to use their energy to destroy the world. As a general of the army of Loenia, a free country adjacent to the Coestus where The Wizard Dead lives, you must do all you can to stop his invasion.

You begin by defending a small village from a surprise attack. But then, when you investigate, you discover a sinister conspiracy that will lead you across the continent while you search for a way to defeat The Wizard Dead once and for all.

Seven Crystals of Power

Seven Crystals of Power was the second complete game from me. It’s a 2D game that copies the gameplay of Medieval Clash – the player and an artificial intelligence gain gold over time which they use to send fighters against each other in a single line. When two fighters meet, one destroys the other (based on who has more hit points).

My game innovated upon the original Medieval Clash by having two lines of combat: ground combat and aerial combat. It also had a large number of units and spells the player could use.

It is the last game I programmed in the tool Peter by Miroslav Němeček. The game placed second in the Gamedev.net Four Elements VI contest! The rules of the contest specified four elements to be used by each entry: explosions, ponies, accountants and crystals. Each game had to use at least three of them and I chose not to include accountants.

The game was created at the age of 15, in 2008.

Download (Setup EXE, 20 MB):


  • 19 levels in a story-driven campaign
  • 5 different spells
  • Over 10 unique units


When a major spell of the Grey Wizards failed and resulted in a catastrophic explosion that destroyed vast areas of human lands, as an apology, they gave ponies – the favored mounts of humans – the ability to be more stronger and more intelligent. This global enhancement spell was stored in seven crystals of power seeded across the continent. But years later, when an orc army reaches the lands, the human prince has no choice but to embark on a quest to gather all the crystals again because he must use their power to banish the orcs, even if it means that ponies would lose their intelligence.

Additional links:

God, who is hated

GwiH_1God, who is hated was the very first complete game I have created. It’s an original 2D game where the player, as a god represented by a sun, sends meteors and thunderbolts at trucks on the ground and buys upgrades to survive. It is programmed in the tool Peter by Miroslav Němeček. The game scored eighteenth in the Four Elements V contest by Gamedev.net.

The rules of the contest specified that four elements had to be included: Europe, Economics, Emblem and Emotion. I implemented them by setting the game across various european states (with the Czech and Slovak republics having a primary role, of course), by having the player buy special powers (economics), having the humans display the symbol of the Anti-God Organization prominently (emblem) and by attempting to make the player laugh from the funny story (emotion).

This game was created at the age of 14, in 2006.

Download (ZIP, 3 MB):


  • 6 levels in a story-driven campaign
  • 5 different godly powers
  • Funny accompanying flavor text


You wish to rule forcefully over all mankind but these pathetic humans just can’t cease to hate you. They’ve even started building special towers and supply them with energy in order to destroy you. You can’t let that happen! Smite the towers before they destroy you and beware you sidekick Toucannade – he could be working for the humans!

Additional links: