Ideální skaut

This page is available in Czech only.

Ideální skaut je příručka 262 skautských zákonů, kterou jsem s pomocí několika kamarádů ve skautském oddíle sestavil kolem roku 2011. Zákony jsou ve stylu faktů o Chucku Norrisovi.

Příklady zákonů:

  • 9. Skaut je hospodárný. (Pozor, nepleťte si slovo “hospodárný” se slovem “často v hospodě”.)
  • 11. Skaut je mrazuvzdorný. (Výjimka: Skaut má právo zmrznout v teplotě nižší než -273,15 °C, avšak pouze pokud není teple oblečen.)
  • 36. Skaut založí oheň sněhem a sněhem přikládá tak, aby oheň hořel jasným oranžovým plamenem alespoň 10 minut.
  • 60. Skautova KPZ se vždy nafoukne do požadovaných rozměrů. (Skautova až na 1 m3, KPZ superskauta až na 4m3)
  • 128. Superskaut dokáže zlomit litosférickou desku.
  • 133. Superskaut se klouže po blescích.
  • 148. Skaut ovládá MP4. (Superskaut i MP-5.)

Ke stažení z mého webu:

Válčit s peklem

This page is available in Czech only.

Inspirován dílem Karla Čapka Válka s mloky jsem napsal další dlouhý příběh ze světa Sakkulu. Opět je to epická fantasy, kde tentokrát Království bojuje proti příchozí hordě démonů z pekla.

V tomto příběhu ovšem téměř nepoužívám prózu. Místo toho jsou události čtenáři předstovány formou dokumentů, z nichž si čtenář složí obrázek o ději sám. Takovými dokumenty jsou například zápisy do deníky, smlouva, časová osa, písně, plakáty.

Vše je napsáno v češtině.

Ke stažení (PDF, 3 MB):

Obsah první části ze tří:

  • Smlouva: Smlouva mezi Baa a Peklem (13. ledna)
  • Historie: Nový začátek
  • Dopis: Jsem machr! (16. ledna)
  • Deník: Deník velitele hlídky pevnosti Hvězdov (8. ledna+)
  • Časová osa: Culpa nostra (11. ledna až 7. března)
  • Dopis: Je mi to líto (21. ledna)
  • Zvuková nahrávka: Poslední Baa (4. února)
  • Deník: Iridiiny zápisky z výpravy na jihozápad (25. ledna až 6. března)
  • Písemný test: Historie – Éra Haedralinů (20. února)
  • Hlášení z bitvy: Bitva o Morrandóm (7. března)
  • Dopis: Žiješ??! (8. března)



Advanced Minesweeper

Advanced Minesweeper is a simple game I hacked up in one day to test how many people would actually download and play a game I put up only on major servers that allow for free download of software. The answer was: not many, but still some.

Advanced Minesweeper contains the functionality and gameplay of traditional minesweeper but also allows the player to play advanced minesweeper, which is like the regular one, except the player has access to three special abilites that recharge over time:

  • Radar, which reveals the entire map for a time by scanning from left to right
  • Sensor, which reveals a 3×3 square for a time
  • EMP, which flags a tile if it was a mine or reveals it if it was not

The game was created in pure C# at the age of 18, in 2011.

Download (Direct EXE, 0.01 MB):


  • 7 levels in a story-driven campaign (that’s a first for a minesweeper game, right?)
  • 3 special abilities
  • Ability to play traditional minesweeper


Your president’s boss: “For some mysterious reason, if you clear all levels, you will save the world. Go save the world!”


Everwinter, the Pony City-Building Strategy is a Caesar-like city-building strategy game created for the Christmas Typhoon 4-day programming contest. This is a fangame.

Everwinter is a Windows-only pony city-building strategy. As you progress through the campaign, in each level, you build different structures on a 2D map – houses (e.g. Earth Pony Residence, Pegasus Cloudhouse) and production and utility buildings (e.g. Sawmill, Theatre). Your goals vary but usually you need to build up a sufficiently large self-sufficient city occupied by a certain number of earth, unicorn and pegasus ponies as each production building can only be worked by a certain race. You also need to upgrade their housings and not meeting the ponies’ requirements will cause them to emigrate (and leave a spot on your colonization report to Princess).

There is a simple overarching storyline that deals with the colonization of a new continent of never-ending winter. There are also free modes where you can build up a city without objective restrictions. A tutorial is built in.

The game is made in C#, using the XNA framework.

I created the game at the age of 20, in 2012.

Download (Setup EXE, 8 MB):


  • 7 levels in a story-driven campaign
  • Over 10 different buildings, many of which can be upgraded
  • Manage the economy and happiness of your citizens


A new continent of never-ending winter is discovered near Equestria. As a princess, your task is to direct the colonization of this new land. Maybe the magical springs of harmony that are dotted across the continent could help.

But the climate is harsh. Take care that your ponies don’t emigrate because of cold!

Star Swirl’s Pony Adventure

Star Swirl’s Parser-Based Pony Adventure is a text adventure game created for the My Little Game Jam 48-hour game programming contest. This is a fan game. The game placed 10th out of 38.

This is Windows parser-based interactive fiction. This means that there are no graphics to speak of – that takes place in your imagination. Instead, surroundings and events are described and you interact with the world by typing commands. But do not worry: It is not as difficult as old school games are. There is a suggestion system that will help find the commands you need and the game is set up in a way that you cannot truly lose.

The story itself is about the journey of Star Swirl to the depths. He encountes obstacles (locked doors, mostly), other ponies (Clover the Clever and Twilight and her friends). Most rooms usually have some sort of puzzle you must overcome, for example, figure out a combination to open the door and find a proper item or spell. In the end, you will choose one of four different fates of Equestria.

Is is programmed in C# using the XNA framework.

I created the game at the age of 19, in 2012.

Download (Setup EXE, 7MB):


  • Old-school text adventure
  • Hints of usable commands
  • Interaction with canon storyline


Few ponies know that when Discord was liberated during the Return of Harmony, his strength swelled across the timeline and it’s during the time of founding of Equestria that the true battle takes place. As Star Swirl the Bearded, you must explore the mines under future-day Canterlot to find an artifact that will grant you the power to choose and change the face of Equestria foreveeer!

About fangames

I mention on my website that I am a fan of My Little Pony.

The community around the show is amazing and so I contributed as well by creating several games with My Little Pony themes. You may look at them here. I received positive feedback from the community and I am grateful for it.

Fangames, however, stand on shaky legal ground. I have done extensive research and as far as I know, there hasn’t ever been any lawsuit involving copyright infringement concerning fangames or fanfiction in any country. However, that does not mean it is necessarily legal in all jurisdictions to produce such content.

In fact, some companies issue cease-and-desist letters. These are warning e-mails from a company’s legal department that order a game developer to remove download links for fangames from his or her sites and to stop developing the game. The e-mails sometimes threaten with legal action if the developer does not comply.

Hasbro Inc., the company that owns the intellectual property of My Little Pony, is generally supportive of the brony fanbase, acknowledges its existence and cooperates with us. People involved with the show’s production such as animators, voice actors and composers expressed awe over the community and voiced their support. However, several fangames did receive cease-and-desist letters.

The most high-profile case among these was of the game Fighting is Magic, a fighting game with ponies as characters. When the game became popular and it was decided that it would showcase on a major fighting game fair, it received a cease-and-desist letter from Hasbro. The developers decided to comply, but, unexpectedly, the show’s creator herself, Lauren Faust, offered to freely help the creators develop their own character designs!

Primaeval Threat

Page 60 of the pony version of the game.

Primaeval Threat is an online gamebook I created for the My Little Game Dev marathon. The player assumes the role of a World Custodian, a protector of people from ancient and evil threats. The player picks three out of six special abilities uses them in a choose-your-adventure style game.

Because of its original as a game entered into the My Little Game Dev marathon, the game was first created as a My Little Pony fangame and only then did I port it to remove all pony references from it. The original variant of the game is a fangame.

The game was created at the age of 20, in 2013.

Play online:


  • Over a hundred individual pages
  • Replayability: Choose different paths or custodian abilities.
  • Illustrations (in the pony version, at least)


You are the warrioress Sunspear, one of the last of the World Custodians, an elite order of selfless monks devoted to the protection of the world from all threats. And what a tiring task that is!

Unbeknownst to many, the wolrd of Lonaelon is constantly under attack from evil forces. Last decade only, there was the Black Demon, the Army That Never Sleeps and, most horribly, the Zzzxyasquesdetl. Yet people at large are unaware of this because the World Custodians are always working, in secret, to save the innocent from their doom.

But the ranks of the Custodians are drawing thin as men are unwilling to sacrifice their normal lives for the tiresome, dangerous and unrewarding path of the Custodian. Your order is dying, but it is now that you would need most help. Because an evil greater than any you’ve battled before is about to return.


  • On page 73 of the normal version, I missed a reference to ponies that is still not removed. Can you find it?

Time Travel Research Facility 2

Time Travel Research Facility 2 was the second game I programmed in Flash. It’s a reboot of my previous game, Time Travel Research Facility. Like that game, it is a platformer involving time travel. The story is much more involved this time around and provides rich backstory to the history of the Time Travel Research Facility and the player discovers the nature of the current crisis bit by bit. The game also has better graphics, user interface and various other improvements. The game was programmed in Flash/ActionScript 3. I created the game at the age of 19, in 2012.

Daniel waits for the energy sphere to pass.

Play online:


  • 5 levels
  • epic story telling of a dimension war
  • rewind time or slow it down
  • throw time grenade to send your foes into the future
  • story bubbles

Story: Daniel Novodnan is a researcher at the Time Travel Research Facility, a secret government base in the Czech republic. Recently, he gained some fame by creating the Dimension Sink, a device capable of making a permanent knot across dimensions. Daniel intended to do only good, and Dimension Sink was protected by the most strict security measures. Still, somehow, the extradimensionals crossed it and entered the facility, triggering the self-destruction mechanism. Could this happen by accident? Or did perhaps Eduard Zrádný, the lead researcher, play a role? Previous game: This is a reboot of a previous game of mine, Time Travel Research Facility. Play on my website: